Josh and Ellaina’s Snohomish Farm Engagement |

October 14, 2018

Josh and Ellaina’s Snohomish farm engagement session was such a sweet way to kick off this beautiful PNW fall weekend! These two recently graduated from WSU and are setting up their new graduate lives in Seattle with a bang! It’s so fun to hear their stories and reminisce of my our early dating and engaged Seattle adventures. It’s pretty obvious to me that these two will have there share of Seattle fun just from hearing how sweetly Josh proposed to Ellaina! Under the pretense of going on a “Groupon date” (clever) Josh took Ellaina to Columbia Crest Winery in Woodinville, WA where they were led to their own private room and given a bottle of wine that Ellaina saw “Will you marry me?” written on it. She thought it was a leftover bottle of wine from a different event until she saw her name on it! After she said “YES!” the winery staff led them into another area where a private event was being held and all the guests gave them a overwhelming round of applause and cheers! Totally sweet right?! Way to go Josh!

They were both some of the easiest people to photograph with their genuine smiles and sweet dispositions. We adventured around Skipley Farm in Snohomish, cozying up between the apple trees and reddening blueberry bushes. I’m VERY much looking forward to their wedding next May at a winery in Spokane, WA! Here’s to your wedding planning and further engagement season adventures you two!

Snohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm EngagementSnohomish Farm Engagement


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Karisa Anna Photography

chelan, wa