Life in Germany

May 18, 2020

In mid January 2020 we were approached by my husband’s work with an opportunity to move to Germany as soon as we could for 6 months to a year. We jumped at the opportunity, sold most of our large belongings, stored the rest, parked the cars, and flew our lives to Hamburg, Germany by February 1st!

We scored the most beautiful flat in the neighborhood of Blankanese along with the kindest upstairs landlords who have become like family to us. After settling in, we had about a 4 weekends worth of adventures before the COVID-19 lockdown.

Thanks to the help of our landlords and the German approach, the lockdown here has been quite enjoyable! We’ve explored most of the neighborhood, enjoyed our bakery treats, and have slowly been allowed to explore nearby towns.

Though we look forward to borders and stays opening up again, we’ve adventured through some gorgeous areas! After a couple weekend getaways, I’m finally more confident in carrying my nice camera with me even while minding the children with my husband.

Two recent photographed adventures were to Luneburg and Marienburg Castle. They’re both located in the German state of Lower Saxony. 1-2 hours south of our home in Hamburg.

Photojournalist Style

Since moving here, I’ve allowed my photography style to adapt to the mood and history of my surroundings. I’ve enjoyed a more subdued, true to shadows look that blends with the darkness of the architecture, weather, and quietness that quarantine has brought to the towns.

Rust, red, and orange permeate the southern towns here. They don’t reflect light like the white buildings in our neighborhood, they absorb it. It’s almost a reflection of the times where life has been absorbed into itself as we’ve been staying in our homes and not moving towards new opportunities. Thus the darker tones to my photos have felt fitting.


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photography by Karisa Grimstad + design by Karisa Grimstad + Powered by Showit

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Karisa Anna Photography

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